1.15cr local sacrificial animals ready for Eid-ul-Azha

Dhaka: Bangladesh has at least 1.15 crore sacrificial animals for the upcoming Eid-ul-Azha, one of the largest religious festivals of Muslims, according to the Department of Livestock Services (DLS).
Officials at the DLS said there has been a sharp rise in livestock production in recent years in the country reducing dependence on neighbouring countries for sacrificial animals during the Eid-ul-Azha.
Now there are some 61,72,990 healthy sacrificial animals across the country in addition to 53,85,000 which are old, unproductive, unprofitable but suitable for sacrifices, raising the total number to 1,15,57,990, the DLS officials told UNB.
According to government statistics, the country has 2.54 crore cows and buffalos, 2.93 crore goats and sheep, totalling 5.47 crore.Among them, the number of cows and goats are the highest.
They said there are some 33.42 lakh healthy cows and buffalos in dairy farms across the country. Besides, there are 11.15 lakh cows and buffalos in private ownership, which are old, unproductive and unprofitable but fit for sacrifice.
The dairy farmers have 28.30 lakh sacrificial goats and sheep while in private ownership there are 42.70 lakh goats and sheep in this year, totalling 71 lakh.
DLS data shows that there are 31,60,675 cows, 1,81,980 buffalos, 24,44,703 goats and 3,85,632 sheep in eight divisions of the country.
InDhakaDivision, there are 3,90,030 cows, 10,650 buffalos, 1,16,920 goats, and 2,1,948 sheep, totalling 53, 9,548 animals.
InChittagong, the total number of sacrificial animals in the division is 11,59,219. Of them, there are 8,58,170 cows, 42,286 buffalos, 1,34,563 goats, and 1,24,200 sheep.
In Rajshahi, there are 6,79,165 cows, 2,046 buffalos, 12,54,562 goats, and 1,28,088 sheep raising the total to 20,63,441.
InKhulna, the number of sacrificial animals in the division is5,57,998. Of them, 3,20,369 are cows, 1,909 buffalos, 2,20,100 goats, and 15,620 sheep.
In Sylhet, the number of sacrificial animals in the division is 3,38,531.Of them, there are 1,99, 870 cows, 23,182 buffalos, 77,650 goats, and 37,829 sheep.
InBarisal, there are 2,46,419 cows, 91,510 buffalos, 5850 goats, and 735 sheep, totalling 3,44, 514 animals.
In Rangpur, there are 3,50,983 cows, 3,900 buffalos, 1,27,903 goats, and 47,497 sheep which is 5,30,283 in total.
In Mymensingh, the total number of sacrificial animals in the division is 6,39, 016. Of them there are 1,15,649 cows, 6,397 buffalos, 5,07,155 goats and 9,715 sheep.
DLS director general Dr Md Ainul Haque told UNB, "Our farmers will count losses if we import sacrificial animals despite having enough local livestock production."
He suggested people not to buy unhealthy and sick cattle.
In 2014, there were 96 lakh sacrificial animals in the country, while 1.09 crore in 2015 and 1.14 crore in 2016.