Investment still a challenge: Muhith

Dhaka: Finance Minister AMA Muhith on Sunday said paving the way for sufficient investment would be a challenge for Bangladesh economy in 2017.
‘Investment is still a challenge. 2016 was a good year for the country and I hope it will be the same in 2017 also’, he told the journalists at the secretariat in Dhaka.
Replying to a question about Grameen Bank (GB), Muhith said the government has planned to create a new example in the banking sector by maintaining the operation GB and to this end, the commission concerned has been given some recommendations. Now, GB does not need to maintain weekly instalment system because the borrowers have become accustomed to it, he said.
He said when the government took over GB, the amount of default loan was 40 per cent, which came down to 9 or 10 per cent.