ADP implementation reaches 41 pc in 9 months

Dhaka: The implementation status of the Annual Development Programme (ADP), including that of self financed projects, during the first nine months (July-March) of the current fiscal year (FY16) reached 41 percent with an overall expenditure of Tk 41,888 crore.
The implementation rate is, however, 2 percent less than the July-March period of the last fiscal year, when the overall expenditure was Tk 36,925 crore with 43 percent implementation rate.
Some 24 Ministries and Divisions have got less ADP implementation rate during the first three quarters (July-March) period of the current fiscal year (FY16) compared to the overall implementation rate of 41 percent during this nine-month period.
However, the ADP implementation rate of 26 Ministries and Divisions were above the national average of 41 percent while the implementation rate of three Ministries and Divisions were equal to the national average.
According to the latest data of the Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation Division (IMED) of the Planning Ministry, Ministry of Post and Telecommunications achieved the highest implementation rate of 77 percent during this July-March period while the Legislative and Parliamentary Affairs Division the lowest utilization rate of 9 percent.
The 24 Ministries and Divisions those attained less utilization rate compared to the national average include Bridges Division (28 percent), Ministry of Railways (32 percent), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (35 percent), Energy and Mineral Resources Division (31 percent), Ministry of Water Resources (32 percent), Ministry of Science and Technology (40 percent), Ministry of Industries (15 percent), Election Commission Secretariat (13 percent), Ministry of Environment and Forests (39 percent) and Internal Resources Division (14 percent).
The three Ministries and Divisions those gained 41 percent implementation rate during this July-March period equaling with the national average are Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock, Prime Minister's Office and Ministry of Women and Children Affairs.
The 26 Ministries and Divisions those attained more than utilization rate that the national average of 41 percent include Local Government Division (54 percent), Power Division (51 percent), Ministry of Primary Education (48 percent), Ministry of Education (45 percent), Ministry of Housing and Public Works (58 percent), Ministry of Agriculture (55 percent), Ministry of Home (49 percent), Ministry of Shipping (45 percent), Ministry of Religious Affairs (71 percent), Ministry of Information (52 percent).
The ADP implementation status figures compiled by the IMED showed that out of the overall amount in this July-March, the executing agencies could spent only Tk 26,059 crore or 42 percent from the state exchequer, Tk 13,832 crore or 40 percent from project assistance while Tk 1,997 crore or 50 percent from the organization's own fund.
Earlier on 5 April, the National Economic Council (NEC) approved a Tk 93,894.68 crore overall Revised Annual Development Programme (RADP) for the current fiscal year including that of the self-financed projects down from the overall ADP outlay of Tk 100996.92 crore apparently due to the slow pace in implementation.