Top female athletes mostly known for their looks
In a skit on Inside Amy Schumer, the comedienne parodies how female athletes are prized for appearance rather than prowess. In it, two sports announcers commentate a match between fictional tennis players Bridget Everett and Amy Schumerenka (parodic takes on Serena Williams and Maria Sharapova, respectively).
At the end of the skit, Schumerenka receives a crowdsourced consolation prize, greater than Everett’s winning prize, because she was ‘so gorgeous throughout the entire match that it was almost like [she] won.’
This calls to mind the J.K. Rowling and Serena Williams incident, in which JK Rowling tweeted her support for the tennis superstar and someone replied: ‘she is built like a man,’ echoing the sentiment of the president of the Russian Tennis Federation, Shamil Tarpischev, who quipped that Venus and Serena were ‘brothers.’
It also reminds us of the controversial endorsement disparity between Serena Williams and Maria Sharapova, the latter attracting $10 million more from companies even though she’s an inferior player.
Williams accepted this with dignity, saying: ‘I’m happy for her because she worked hard, too,’ and understanding the sentiment, best summed up by USAToday’s Chris Chase:
With that all now said, let’s plunge into this list of 10 female athletes who, in spite of athletic skill, are mostly watched for their sexual merit.
Click the Photo Gallery above to see top female athletes are mostly known for their looks.