Dad kills self on Facebook live as daughter gets married without permission

This is the horrifying moment a man livestreamed himself committing suicide with a shot to the head ‘because his daughter was getting married without asking him for permission’, reports the Mirror.
Ayhan Uzun, 54, filmed the horrific moment he killed himself - broadcasting it on Facebook Live as viewers hit ‘Wow’ and ‘Sad’ reaction emojis which floated past the screen before and after.
The shocking video footage - which MirrorOnline has edited - shows Uzun speaking to the camera and unleashing a lengthy tirade of abuse against his family before putting a handgun to his head.
He pulls the trigger on the count of three after saying his final words: ‘Goodbye, I am leaving, take good care of yourselves.’
Uzun then immediately collapsed to the floor.
In the footage he revealed the reason behind his drastic actions was that he hadn’t been asked impending marriage of his daughter without his permission.
He said: ‘I am livestreaming tonight, and it is my will, I do not want the ones who put me in this position to attend my funeral.’
Uzun, who was alone at his home, revealed that he only learned about his daughter’s engagement in a telephone call.
Uzun said: ‘On my daughter’s happiest day (her engagement), they called me and said to me: ‘Father come have a treat.’
‘Nobody asked about me. Nobody treated me like a man. My father-in-law took my place and without having a right he approved my daughter’s wedding.
‘Nobody said this girl’s father is alive. Though I would have waited for my daughter and family to say to me: ‘Come father, be with us.’
‘My wife called me and she told me. I said to her why didn’t you come to tell me, and she said: ‘We cannot make a personal visit to you...’
‘Maybe some of you will call this a show. I do not want anybody to go through this thing that I am going through.
‘A little later I will put an end to my life with the gun I am holding in my hands.’
During his livestreamed speech, friends and relatives sent comments begging him not to commit suicide.
But Uzun took no notice and went through with his threat. His family rushed around to the house to find his dead body.
Police have launched an investigation and Uzun’s body has been taken to a morgue for an autopsy.
The harrowing incident comes after several other people have livestreamed taking their lives on Facebook.
In January Nakia Venant, 14, broadcast her own death from her foster home and was later found hanged in her bathroom in Miami after friends told police about the online stream.
Officers found Nakia hanging and tried to revive her but she was declared dead a short time later at hospital.
Florida’s department of children and families confirmed child welfare administrators and cops were investigating the suspected suicide of a child ‘in the care of a foster family’ but offered no further details.