Two-day conference to discuss Rampal begins in Berlin today

A two-day European conference titled Sundarbans Solidarity Action Networking and Green Energy Solutions for Bangladesh begins in Berlin on Saturday with the view to protect the world largest mangrove forest Sundarbans in Bangladesh from an ‘anti-environmental project’ taken by the government of the country.
The conference will discuss on the cheap and clean alternatives for Bangladesh to meet the future electricity demand, said a press release.
Different organisations and groups including Greenpeace, Friends of Earth,, BankTrack, Woman Engage for a Common Future etc. have already signed ‘Berlin Declaration’ which is going to be declared at the concluding session of the conference, reports the Daily Finland.
Professor Anu Muhammad from Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh, Kerstin Doerenbruch from Greenpeace Berlin’s spokesperson, Professor Wilfried Endlicher from Humboldt University, Germany, environment activists, researchers, writers, journalists will participate in the conference.
The Bangladesh government has taken a project to set up a 1320 MW coal fired power plant in Rampal area under Bagherhat district, adjacent to the largest mangrove forest Sundarbans.
According to the researchers, this coal-fired power plant will endanger the biodiversity of this unique forest.