British PM May to make offer on EU citizens

Brussels: British Prime Minister Theresa May will promise on Thursday to make it as easy as possible for European Union citizens living in Britain to stay after Brexit, trying to unlock stalled talks that have spurred calls for her to walk away.
Weakened by losing her Conservative Party’s majority in a June election and failing to rally support at an ill-fated party conference, May had initially hoped she would regain some ground by persuading EU leaders at a two-day summit starting on Thursday to let Brexit talks move beyond matters of the divorce.
But EU leaders have ruled that out, saying London must agree to pay more as part of an exit settlement than May has said is acceptable. So she will instead try to change the focus, by offering more concessions for those EU citizens increasingly anxious about their rights in Britain after it leaves the bloc.
This is unlikely to alter the outcome of the Brussels summit. Continental leaders have been assuming for weeks that a deal can be struck on this issue. But it indicates British officials are pursuing a new course - adopting a softer approach to try to win over the bloc’s negotiators, if not all its governments.
In a direct appeal to 100,000 EU nationals who have asked to receive updates on citizens’ rights, May will say: ‘We are in touching distance of agreement’ of securing the rights of the around 3 million people from other EU countries in Britain.
‘EU citizens who have made their lives in the UK have made a huge contribution to our country. And we want them and their families to stay. I couldn’t be clearer: EU citizens living lawfully in the UK today will be able to stay,’ she will write on her Facebook page, according to an advance text.
She was to add that she will set up a group of those affected and digital, technical and legal experts to make sure the process to remain is smooth.
‘I know both sides will consider each other’s proposals for finalising the agreement with an open mind. And with flexibility and creativity on both sides, I am confident that we can conclude discussions on citizens’ rights in the coming weeks.’
Offering concessions, May will say that EU citizens settling in Britain will no longer need to demonstrate Comprehensive Sickness Insurance, as they currently have to under EU rules.
A senior government official said the aim was to get clear commitments to ‘swift progress on both sides for an ambitious plan to be set out for what should be achieved in the weeks ahead and particularly a shared urgency in ... reaching an agreement on citizens’ rights.’
EU negotiators have, however, so far been wary of British offers that London refuses to back up by giving people a right to ask the EU court to enforce if British courts do not.