CCTV at Aziz Market may reveal killers of Dipan

Dhaka: Management of Aziz Cooperative Market shop owners and traders welfare association said they will preserve video footages of CCTV installed on the ground floor of the market to help law enforcers to identify the perpetrators of publisher Faisal Arefin Dipan.
Faisal Arefin Dipan, 45, publisher of Jagriti publication house, and son of former professor of Dhaka University’s Bangla department Abul Kashem Fazlul Haq, was stabbed to death by miscreants on the 2nd floor of Aziz Super Market in the city’s Shahbagh area some time after 2:00 pm on Saturday.
Sources at the Aziz cooperative market said eight CC TV cameras are installed at different strategic points of the ground floor.
‘If anyone entered the market through ground floor, he or she will be definitely under cover of the CCTV cameras,’ said Iftekhar Hossain, vice president of the welfare association.
He, however, said if the miscreants entered the market using first floor of nearby medicine market, it will very tough to identify the criminals scrutinizing CCTV footages, Iftekhar said.
He said the video footages will be preserved to help the investigators unearth the mystery behind the killing.
Earlier in the day, Ahmedur Rashid Tutul, publisher of ‘Shuddhoswar Prokashoni’ and two writers — Sudeep Kumar Roy Barman alias Ranadeep Basu and Tareque Rahim — were stabbed by some unidentified miscreants in the city’s Lalmatia area.
They are now undergoing treatment at Dhaka Medical College Hospital.