UK to ‘boost jobs, trade’ in Bangladesh

Dhaka: The United Kingdom (UK) has said it will continue to build partnership with Bangladesh and more people across the country have the chance to get jobs and build a brighter future for themselves and their families with UK’s support.
The UK will sharpen its focus on economic development in the world’s poorest countries to help create the economic growth that will sustain rapidly growing populations, provide a long-term solution to poverty and deal with the root causes of the problems that affect Britain and Bangladesh, said International Development Secretary Priti Patel.
Over the next decade a billion more young people will enter the job market, mainly in Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. This demographic challenge will add to the pressure of protracted crises and mass migration.
DFID’s first Economic Development Strategy sets out how investment in economic development will help developing nations speed up their rate of economic growth, trade more and industrialise faster, and ultimately lift themselves out of poverty.
By helping the world’s poorest countries grow their economies, this investment will help create the UK’s trading partners of the future, boost global prosperity and address some of the root causes of global issues such as mass migration and instability that affect the UK.
“There’s no task more urgent than defeating poverty. The UK has a proud record of supporting people in desperate humanitarian crises, but emergency help alone won't tackle the global changes we face,” International Development Secretary Priti Patel was quoted as saying in a statement sent by the British High Commission in Dhaka on Wednesday.
Priti said with dramatic increases in population across Africa and Asia, developing nations must act fast to create jobs and investment, which is why Global Britain is leading a more open, more modern approach to development through our economic development to help the world’s poorest countries stand on their own two feet.
“Over the next decade a billion more young people will enter the job market. Failure to provide sufficient extra jobs will consign a generation to a future where jobs and opportunity are out of reach; potentially fuelling instability and mass migration with direct consequences for Britain.
“Developing countries want to harness trade, growth and investment opportunities and Britain will lead the way to lift huge numbers out of grinding poverty to prosperity.”
The department will work across government to increase the number and quality of jobs in poor countries, enable businesses to grow and prosper, support better infrastructure, technology and a skilled and healthy workforce.
Through the new Economic Development Strategy DFID will build the potential for developing countries to trade more with the UK and the world; create economic opportunities in fragile and conflict states where jobs and livelihoods are desperately needed and build partnerships with business - including Small and Medium Business (SMEs) - to make it easier for companies, including those in the UK, to invest in markets of the future.
Head of DFID Bangladesh Jane Edmondson said the UK has a close relationship with Bangladesh and has supported poverty reduction and economic development for many years.
“This Strategy demonstrates our continued commitment to promoting growth which transforms economies, creates productive jobs and private sector investment, and spreads the benefits and opportunities right across society, including to girls and women.”