4G mobile services not available outside Dhaka: BTRC

Dhaka: Country’s mobile phone operators are yet to ensure 4G services outside the capital, according to a report of Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) on Wednesday.
The telecom regular published the report of its comprehensive quality of service (GoS) measurement through drive tests conducted in four divisions to find out the internet speed, including 4G, service coverage, call setup success rate and call drop rate, reports the UNB.
During the drive tests, it was found that minimum download speed of at least 7mbps could not be ensured by the top three mobile operators—Grameenphone, Robi and Banglalink—outside Dhaka, the report said.
State-run mobile operator Teletalk remained out of the purview of the drive tests as it is yet to launch its 4G service outside Dhaka.
The drive tests were conducted between January and February in Khulna, Rajshahi, Barishal and Rangpur.