US appreciates BD broader engagement in counter-terrorism
Dhaka: The United States has welcomed Bangladesh’s engagement in broader conversation about both the role of state action to counter terrorism as an area that needs to be closely looked at for second and third-order consequences apropos of the earlier discussion.
‘I think that Bangladesh is an interesting example of a country that will be - that can benefit from engagement in this broader discussion about how to prevent violent extremism from penetrating societies,’ said Sarah Sewall, Under Secretary for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights.
She made the remark while responding to a question from a journalist at an interaction in Washington on White House Summit to Counter Violent Extremism (CVE) Follow-on Process on Wednesday.
Sarah Sewall said she thinks for many countries the preventive work has a wonderful overlap between essentially development and community strengthening and creating more stable and secure communities and therefore countries.
‘And so I would hope that the government would welcome it in that regard,’ she added.
The US official also said they welcome Bangladesh in terms of thinking about the extent to which violence which comes from extremist ideologies but may not be recognised as terrorism by all concerned.
Responding to another question, she said it is not the place of the United States to suggest how different communities of nations self-defined can best address particular threats that they face in common.
‘What we are trying to do is to galvanize a global conversation about violent extremism that has many forms and suggest that there are common principles and approaches that can be useful.’