Harmful ingredients in edible oils (VIDEO)
The excessive acid and harmful fat have been found in most of the samples of oils that we use in cooking food, according to several tests of edible oils in recent times.
Experts said the edible oil is becoming harmful due to mixture of different oils for extra profit, no use of food grade container and reserving oil for many days.
Edible oils of several brands were tested at the Food Safety Laboratory at Mahakhali, Dhaka. The tests found excessive acid in 47% samples (34 out of 73 samples).
Regarding acid in oil, the chief of the Public health Laboratory of Public Health Institute Shahabuddin said, ‘Two types of oils are probably being mixed or the container is not food graded. Reserving oil for many days is also responsible.’
Excessive acid in edible oil increases the risk of several diseases including diabetes, heart disease and skin problem.
Recently, the Chemistry Department of Dhaka University conducted a research on edible oils. The research showed that excessive fat, used in making soap, was mixed in at least twenty percent edible oils.
Dhaka University Chemistry Department professor Nilufar Nahar said, ‘False materials are used in some oils. Fat that is used for making soap is being mixed in edible oils.’
Experts suggest not cooking food in excessively heated oil. Also, they suggest not using the same oil repeatedly.