Is Ranbir Ranbir Kapoor looks like replica of Sanjay Dutt in Sanju poster?
After much anticipation, the teaser of Sanju,a biopic of Sanjay Dutt was released. Although it was met with mixed responses, Ranbir Kapoor in and as Sanju was much appreciated. Following that, director of the film Rajkumar Hirani has been sharing posters from the film and each one of them only point towards the uncanny resemblance between Dutt and Kapoor, reports the Indian Express.
On May 8, Hirani shared the poster of Rocky, Dutt’s first film except with Kapoor’s face on it. Incidentally it was also the day the film completed 37 years and Dutt had tweeted a heart-warming note regarding that.
‘Ranbir in the same poster. Spot the difference,’ he wrote as the caption and if you think it is easy to spot the difference then you are wrong. Much like the previous posters, Kapoor looks a lot like Dutt and people on social media too agree.
‘You are one of the most intelligent film directors of the recent times. Love your work & anxiously waiting for Sanju. Good luck,’ wrote one while another wrote, ‘Sir, unbelievable transformation.’
Talking about his film, Hirani had said, ‘When we heard the story, we thought that a film needs to be made, and we asked Sanju that we are going to make this film, do you have the courage? the story which you are telling us if it is shown on the screen will it be alright with you?. Will you not have any problem and Sanju agreed.’