Ektara Florida Spring Festival held

Ektara Florida — a prominent cultural organisation run by the Bangladeshi community in the USA organised their annual spring festival at the Wellington Amphitheater Ground in Florida, USA on 17 February.
Participated by the thousands of Bangladeshi immigrant community in the USA, the event is the yearly extravaganza by the Ektara family which is aimed at entertaining the Bangladeshi community through cultural programs such as songs, dance and poetry recitation along with serving deshi cuisines such as rice, daal (lentil) and various vortas (mashed potatoes and other vegetable items). Boys and girls in colourful red and yellow dresses came to the programe to celebrate the ‘Boshonto Utshob’, which is the Bangladeshi way of welcoming the spring.
Local singers, dance artists along with prominent sufi (folk) singer Sayera Reza performed at the event and enthralled the audiences.