Is a clean sweep for Hillary in the offing?

With less than three weeks to go before the United States Presidential election, according to the most US national polls, Trump is lagging behind than his counterpart, thanks to a 2005 leaked audio tape by the Washington Post where Trump bragged about grabbing women in their private parts. To add insult to the injury, so far nine women have come forward and accused Trump about sexual misconduct with them.
Trump apologised for his remarks on the leaked tape, but he outright denied the accusations against him by those women. But, the damage has already been done. Most women according to the recently conducted polls prefer Hillary over Trump. Trump also has unfavorable rating among the Mexicans, African-Americans, Immigrants, Muslims, etc. If the poll is held today, Hillary is going to be the President of the USA, no doubt about this. But is it really going to be a clean sweep for Hillary? Is there any ‘slim’ chance for a Trump presidency? Let’s analyse.
Trump still has twenty more days to make a comeback. Wikileaks is apparently working in favor of Trump and Hillary’s leaked emails are being exposed every day. If the ‘leaked emails’ are to be believed, then Hillary indeed has reasons to worry. On the other hand, Trump boasts with loyal fan base. According to his own words, ‘Even if I shoot someone on the 5th street, I would not lose any vote.’ Since the official announcement of Trump campaign, many controversies kept on emerging one after the another. It all started when he questioned about the nationality of the first African-American President Barack Obama which led to the controversial ‘birther movement’. Then he demanded total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the USA. He called ‘Mexicans’ as rapists and drug dealers. He made inappropriate remarks about women like Megyn Kelly and Carly Fiorina. He mocked a disable reporter, ridiculed the Pope, made baseless remark about the Goldstar family and captured war heroes. But despite all of these, he enjoyed significant lead in the national polls just a few months ago. His poll number dropped by a mere 4 per cent when writing this report. And Trump campaign believes the damage has been done by that leaked tape, but Trump still has a chance to go past that and make a comeback. And this writer firmly believes that’s a possibility. Because from the very beginning of this Trump campaign, Trump is cashing on the resentment of the white American voters who are living in the world of ‘Fact-Free Bubble.’ They believe their country is in trouble because of the bad policies of the Obama administration. They believe Trump’s ‘good’ business acumen can be helpful for a robust economy and if he is made the President, he can ‘win’ on trade deals, create more jobs, formulate a good healthcare system for them. But if Trump supporters are questioned about the specific policy of implementing those goals, they remain silent because Trump has not clarified how he is going to implement his political visions into reality. Trump has no specific policy; he is just a ‘con-man’ as Marco Rubio pointed out during the Primary Debate stage. But sadly, many American people still believe in that ‘con-man’ and despite his demeaning comment on women, sexual allegation by many, lack of specific policy, et al, he has still got a very good chance of winning the election.
The battleground states will determine the result of this election and Hillary is not winning big on those states. In some battleground states, Trump is still ahead than Hillary. When Trump announced that he would run for office in 2015, many political observers predicted that he would not be nominated. He proved them wrong.
At this stage, many political observers, including journalist Fareed Zakaria and comedian Bill Maher predicted that Trump would not win this election. But yours truly still believes that Hillary has A LONG WAY TO GO. This has been an unpredictable election and without a Trump nomination, we would not have got the idea that there are so many racists’ people living in this country! Based on the votes of these ‘deplorable’ and ‘racists’, Trump has still got a ‘fair’ chance of winning this election. This election is going to determine whether the majority of the Americans are ‘deplorable’ and ‘racists’ indeed.
Final Prediction: If majority of the American people use their brain, common sense and conscience, Hillary Clinton is going to be the next President.