DIU introduces Khondoker Abu Talha Memorial Courage Award

To encourage the spirit of bravery among Bangladeshi Journalists, Khondoker Abu Talha Memorial Foundation and the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, Daffodil International University (DIU) are going to introduce ‘Khondoker Abu Talha Memorial Courage Award’ for Journalists’ (Print & Electronic Media) of Bangladesh from now on every year.
In this regard, a press conference was organized on December 11, 2019 at DIU. Abu Reaz Md. Nuruddin Khondoker, Founder of Khondoker Abu Talha Memorial Foundation, Professor Dr. S M Mahabub Ul Haque Majumder, Acting Vice Chancellor, DIU, Syed Mizanur Rahman Raju, Director of Students' Affairs, Saleem Ahmed, Head, Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, Anwar Habib Kazal, Senior Assistant Director (Public Relations) of DIU were present at the press conference, said a press release.
Every year Tk. 50,000 will be awarded to a journalist (print & electronic media) for his/her courageous reporting and contribution in Journalism. In this regards, a jury board consisting of the country’s renowned senior journalists and academician will select the winner.
The interested journalists can submit the soft copy of their news via email. Email id: rashedul.jmc@diu.edu.bd. The subject of mail will be ‘Khondoker Abu Talha Memorial Courage Award’ for Journalists. They can also submit the hard copy of their news in the office of the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, fifth floor, Daffodil Tower, 4/2 Sobhanbag. The last date of submission is January 15, 2019. For any further information you may contact to Mr. Anwar Habib Kazal, phone number: 01811458815 and Mr. Rashedul Islam,phone number: 01675618827.
It may be mentioned that, Khondoker Abu Talha Jubayer, Former student of CSE Department of Daffodil International University who was stabbed to death by muggers in broad day-light while he attempted to save a neighbor school teacher from the snatchers on K M Das Lane on October 08, 2017. Commemorating in honor of the great sacrifice and courage shown by Khondoker Abu Talha, his father Mr. Abu Reaz Md. Nuruddin Khondoker and Daffodil International University founded Khondoker Abu Talha Memorial Foundation. It also noted that Khondoker Abu Talha achieved ‘FarazHossen Courageous Award-2017’.