Win prizes every month taking part in quiz of German Embassy in Dhaka

Dhaka: Take part in quiz of the German Embassy in Dhaka and you will have the chance to win great prizes!
This is how it works: Every month, the Embassy will publish a new question. If you know the correct answer, click to submit your answer.
Question 119 (closing date for entries 31 October 2016):
Who initiated the first “Inclusive Job Center” in Bangladesh that enables the inclusion of persons with disabilities into the workforce of textile and garment factories?
The Embassy only accepts one reply per person to each question.
(Eligible are only residents of Bangladesh. There is no legal recourse.)
The winner of question 118 is Md. Shakil Hossain from Dhamrai.
The question was:
The first International German Olympics funded by the Federal Foreign Office took place in Croatia in 2000. When and where will the next one take place?
The correct answer was: 2018 In Freiburg.