‘Road to White House’ Facebook chat on election challenges Tuesday

Dhaka: US Embassy in Dhaka will host its 8th ‘Road to the White House’ Facebook chat about election challenges on Tuesday.
Starting on May 10 and running through the presidential inauguration in January 2017, the Embassy is hosting a US expert each month who will conduct a one-hour Facebook chat on a specific election-related topic.
Interested Facebook users can join the chat at 7pm, the US Embassy said in a press release on Monday.
The chat will feature Kitty Kurth, President of Kurth Lampe Worldwide, a public relations firm.
She travels the globe providing strategic communications and political guidance for human rights and environmental causes, political candidates, corporations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and civic-minded artists and entertainers.
Kurth has worked on the last eight American presidential campaigns and Democratic National Conventions and recently served as a Senior Adviser to the Draft Biden movement as well as worked behind the scenes as part of the DNC Podium Operations.
She has been on the White House advance teams for Vice President Al Gore and Vice President Joe Biden, and has been sent by the US Department of State to talk about US presidential elections in numerous countries.
Facebook users can include questions in the comments section of the Road to the White House post that will be added to the Embassy’s Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/bangladesh.usembassy/).