Why airport’s scanner couldn’t detect my gun, asks Ilias Kanchan

‘I forgot and eventually realised I had a 9mm pistol and ten bullets in my laptop bag at the body checking point. I surrendered it before going through the second scanning following due procedures before flight,’ said chairman of safe road movement and film actor Ilias Kanchan.
Kanchan said he was flying from Dhaka to Chattogram on Tuesday (Mar 5) evening. He passed through Dhaka airport’s luggage scanner with a gun undetected.
Mentioning the incident happened on 24 February last, when a person evaded the security scanner and tried to hijack a plane the actor said, ‘What would happen had in place of me a terrorist entered the airport with a gun? Why the scanning machine failed to detect the gun? Whom will I ask about it?'
Reportedly, passengers are body checked when they enter the airport and their bags go under the scanner; later, after boarding pass is issued, bags are screened along with a pat down search.
As per rules, a passenger cannot board a plane with firearms, sharp weapons or even scissors.
On 24 February, a young man was killed in commando action after he attempted to hijack a plane at Shah Amanat International with ‘a toy gun’.